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You're a member of Liberty's NHS now? Congratulations! Keep reading to find out about how to keep being a member and to stay on our records list. 


To maintain membership, your cumulative GPA must be a 3.5+. It is also expected that, once inducted, members demonstrate active involvement in the community by submitting service hours. The form is down below and to maintain membership, members must do at least 20-hours of Regular and 20-hours of Teaching/Tutoring Service every year. The forms are usually due in the spring of junior and senior year. Unfortunately, we are not capable of efficiently keeping track of membership but NHS Members will usually put their membership on resumes since NHS is a reputable organization. Failure to accurately declare your membership status in your resume may result in you getting kicked out and barred from re-application into the Society should a hypothetical organization make an inquiry to us about your membership status. 


There is also an NHS Membership Fee of $15 every year for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors.

Volunteer Team
Volunteer Opportunities
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